Languages Lanean Congress brings together over 500 people

Feb 28, 2024

LANGUNE handled the technical secretariat of the Languages Lanean Congress organized by the Basque Government.

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In January LANGUNE handled the technical secretariat of the Languages Lanean Congress, organized by the Basque Government. The two-day conference brought together more than 500 people and over 50 speakers with the aim of disseminating the importance of language management in the world of work and the good practices currently being developed in the socio-economic field.

The LANGUNE members TISA and Iametza also played key roles in the Languages Lanean Congress: TISA was in charge of managing the interpreters and collaborators, and Iametza was responsible for the communication work of the congress, from the handling of the web to promoting the congress itself.

On 18 January at the Euskalduna Conference Centre in Bilbao, there was an opportunity to learn about the experiences of both international and local organizations. In the afternoon, there was a chance to hear the reflections shared in the 8 round tables organized according to different themes and sectors. Several LANGUNE members represented the Association of Language Industries in the Basque Country by participating in the round tables: three representatives from Orai NLP, HiTZ and Vicomtech participated in the ‘Language Technologies’ round table; and an Emun representative participated in the ‘Resources for Language Management’ round table.

In the following video screened at the Congress, Lohitzune Txarola, the director of LANGUNE, reflected on the capabilities of Basque when facing the technological challenges:

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